well it's been awhile. It's april. and as april does... so does vancouver. it's raining. My first few days back in vancovuer it actually SNOWED...then HAILED! yes. hail. I seriously thought i had died and gone to west coast hell. That strange act of mother nature was followed by some seriously awesome weather. Still not very warm, but sunny at least.
The past few days have been back to rain. ugh. although they are getting less and less, i can't wait to see some serious sunshine with some tee-shirt/flip flop style weather.
I'm living with Dusty, Brent and couch dweller Colin at the moment. I've deemed it the Clark Park Penthouse - being on the 3rd floor and across from the park. It's working out pretty good, the size is nice and the natural light is amazing. Living with early 20-something boys is a tune i haven't sung since residence at Carleton but i've put down some bath mats and broght in my coffee press so i'm feeling more at home. Living with Dman so far has been nice although our work schedules are opposite. at least we're working ?
In work news i've begun bartending at the airport. It's freaking awesome. I'm digging the shorter work days and getting tips again. Although the money is nowhere like film, neither is the lifestyle. I'm not sure i could actually go back to the epic thankless 16 hour days and if i'm lucky 6 hours sleep. It sucks because I truely do love the film business, and when the job and people were good, i also loved the work. But looking back on my time in toronto, and the work opportunies there - it's hard to justify being a cart pusher again. The big fish in the small pond might be more my style. Even if it's not as impressive as X-3. or Resident Evil. I like doing the operating thing. I can't forget the words one cam op said to me while i was a trainee (ahem, Craig Powell) "if you want to be an operator, dont waste your time being an assisstant".
instead i'll waste my time being a bartender. haha. bombay saffire at work, legitimately this time. ;)
I'm bartending some kinda party out in west van tommorrow. I'm digging the way this year is chopping up to mostly self employment. the tax perks without the incorporation fee. sweet.