i gotta say, i'm really glad i got this show. although i've noticed my spending habits severly increase when i have money (hello cigarettes?!?! stupid!!) i'm liking having some seriously LARGE paychecks right now. thankyou film biz. it's making me feel rich (even though i totally know i'm B.R.O.K.E)...
So rich in fact that i'm checking out a condo tommorrow...
it's a fantasy. i know. but still i'm intersted in looking at it... awesome location and really not totally UNaffordable.
er. if i had money that is.
I got gas for $1.32.4 today. like 15 cents cheaper then it was this morning driving to work. and I got 556 km to my tank this time. HECK YES! i love you sliver bucket!
oh a lame note i'm feeling very fat right now. because i am... gee, it couldn't have anythign to do with the late night beers could it?? eww. cleanse? is it possible for me? i've had two failed attempts since my last one that truely counted last november... almost a year? woah, gross.
my phone sucks so many balls it's starting to hurt. i want to throw it at something, but i need it. boooooo.
I read like three different horoscopes today from different papers/magazines. and all of them made me feel good and/or curious. I kinda like prediciting what the predictions are hinting at... so far my outlook looks positive. (at least my invented one) ;p
party tommorrow night at lamplighter! wrap party also at Zin lounge and i'm finally going to get to see the rock laser show at the planetarium. it's been like 2 years that i've been trying to see it!
and it better not suck. ;p
2 more days of scooby dooooooo. i miss my friends.
me in seattle below: