Wednesday, May 28, 2008

If you wanna live in the zip...

you gotta live by the code.

oh please. ahem. introducing the next generation of comebacks this year... 90210. slated to air in the fall schedule on CW netowrk.

I also learned on the radio that New Kids on the Block are making a return to the stage, touring this fall.

This friday after being off the air for 4 years, Sex and the City movie comes out.

The theater right now has Harrison ford reliving his Indiana Jones glory.

The spice girls made a brave attempt at touring early this year.

Knoting your teeshirt on the side is cool again (according to merchandising at H&M)

It seems making a comeback is the new being new. look out toronto, i'm SOO hot right now.

ps. another cleanse starts june 1. one month no booze. could be scary.

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