On my way for a massage with sarah. she is truely my medical practitioning hero....
I just learned that Barrak Obama has won the position to be in the running for american president. He beat Hilary...but frankly, for a woman presidential candidate, I think we can do better.
i'm excited to see what a black president could do for the state of the nation. and not so much because he himself is an african american, but just what that fact will mean for america, and the influence he may have on the minority representation.
seriously what a tough gig... the only true thing I know is, i would NEVER want to the be president of the USA.
...and ps I actually know nothing about the election...who's he against anyway? ha.
Here are my to latest FAV pictures:
DAVE/NUNO wedding. The Poots, looking classic!

And one dusty angel... maybe. Looks to me like he's about to get grabbed and bagged... haha

love you.
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