Wednesday, July 9, 2008

shutter bug

yesterday i bought a book on portrait photography and lighting. today begins my adventure into the world of stills photography as a hobby career.

I lost a day of work with production league due to scheduling. d'oh. i dont think i've worked this little since I was 18 and frankly it's kinda depressing and all in all boring. I actually have a difficult time getting up in the morning without a job to do.

Tomorrow night robyn is in town and we're going to see a show. Brooke from Immaculate machine is playing a solo gig in Toronto. whoot. Friday we're going to the Yankees vs. BlueJays game. sweet! Saturday is dancing at Clintons and sunday is Pauls parents house for some urban backyard bbq and pool party. with the kiddies. haha. CANNONBALL!

Should be finally working again tomorrow, friday then monday and tuesday. Flying back to vancouver a week saturday. I found out last night that they've cancelled the lantern fest this year at trout lake. no money. big surprise. Join the club. i found on facebook though a group that plans on showing up anyway with lanterns. something tells me that Vancouver's community might just be able to make this happen without the support of the underlying organizing committee. however, i also wont be shocked if the pigs show up to take down the party rather then the crackhead thieves that night.

My birthday plans are underway for van as well...i'm thinking karaoke. I'm gonna see if I can find one similar to the fun in toronto which is booking a private room rather then going to a bar to hear strangers sing badly. With all the asian influence i can't believe that there isn't one.

i've become the master at making california rolls. i could open up shop. I should call Artino to see if he's still in on the falafal business...haha. falafal and maki. together at last!


Tiffany Prystay said...

There are tons of Karoke places like that in Vancouver. You just have to find them. I'll ask some of the girls at work. I think they go to one on Robson.

Ed Araquel said...

Wait, stills photography? Should I be worried? :)