my last post was exclaiming that it was september and here we are... October. a whole month flew by and snap! it's practically thanksgiving.
A quick rundown of recent times;
I finished working on Scooby Doo 3. A great show after it all - although a rather anticlimactic finish with three days of green screen following the wrap party. A sweet Tshirt as a crew gift though. thanks to the young cast.
I came back to toronto to start my adventure as DP/Camera op on King Kaboom season two. My initial week began with Dusty here on a mini-vacay. We definitely lived it up, on Toronto Island, hanging in Port Credit, a few days downtown and a few games of pool. the week flew by (as time always does) and I watched him leave on a jet plane back to Vancouver. :( a sad goodbye ... but i'm so grateful he was able to come out for that week. It made my transition easier for sure...
So King Kaboom kicked off with our first week shooting Sideshow acts, magicians, mindblowers, and HOLY SHIT! kinda stuff. My first week as a DOP proved to be intense and challenging, but in a good way. I really can't be grateful enough for the opportunity Production League is giving me. Lighting my own sets, operating the camera, troubleshooting, working alone. There is soo much to learn and experience. This is truly a gift of a job opportunity.
At the same time i began my cleanse! wowee! I'm on day 9 of 30 and going strong. So far soo good... keeping off booze has been pretty easy with work in the way of my social life... the gym is a pain cause it's a 20 minute (at least!) drive away but Yoga keeps me limber. ish. I've been photographing my results so i'll post them here once i'm at day 30.
sadly, photographing my fatty clementine seems to be the only opportunity i've had to use my camera these days. as depressing as it is. I'm hoping as the show continues and my schedule is more clear i'll find a chance to get on it again. Although i suppose i'm not in a rush. The work environment and the constant learning i'm doing is really taking over my mind these days.
This week we are on week one of our BANDS portion of the show. Luckily there is a lighting director to deal with the 'stage' lighting we use so i'm able to focus on camera work. I'm also lucky enough to be on the jib -- giving me a chance to try it out. Nothing like Hot gears sadly, it's a bit more ghetto pan tilt type thing but wow. it's been really interesting. I'd say difficult, but I dont want to sound negative. It's simply frustrating not to be good at something that you want to do well... and i suppose to give myself credit nobody really is perfect the first time. The best part so far has been that as the week progresses i'm improving. and getting to shoot 2-3 bands each day really lets me get better quickly. I'm definitely not even in the "good at it" category yet, but i'm definitely learning to speak to the jib so we can communicate more efficiently. It's like learning to walk... i'm still kinda stumbly, but i'm begining to get the hang of it.
So here we are. October 1. three months to go this year... and how will they go indeed.
Below are pictures from Dusty's most recent toronto adventure

On the Ferry

The Big Smoke

Bike Cruisin' on Toronto Island

GIANT red door on the lighthouse

Looking for Haloween Costumes... ??