Sunday, October 19, 2008


I'm having an extreme streak of good luck to that point that i'm getting a bit nervous about it. i'm seriously due for something bad. My dad suggested that perhaps I could just live my life with constant good luck.. I suppose i'm going to stay on the bright side of this argument and agree. Until something does happen...

This week we're continuing our work on "twitchers" the show-within-a-show on King Kaboom. I'm DP-ing and pulling focus (as we're shooting steadicam, Devon who owns a rig is operating). It's an exciting opportunity and i'm really enjoying being in control/charge of the lighting. everything I once learned at Capilano is all comming back in a flash of college hell. although the equipment we are using is MUCH better then what Cap had. everything is BRAND NEW and that is totally unheard of for the budget we are working with so it's pretty much golden. It's a serious challenge to be doing that AND trying to get focus marks, etc. but it's going pretty well. the first two days hit minimal snags.

Now, the interesting and exciting thing for the next two days is that not only am i Dp-ing, but i will also be operating on steadicam. A scheduling conflict saw us without Devon for two days so without word the company rented ME a rig and i have been practicing with it over the weekend. Monday and Tuesday I'll have Simon out as my gaffer so i can set the lights AND strap on the rig in one giant learning curve of glory.

the key will be to keep my cool as much as possible... haha. good luck matheson.

two days left on the cleanse. I totally fell off the wagon this weekend but with so few hours left to go and a wack of bad habits cured (booze? drugs? potato chips?? NEVER! ) i'm feeling pretty good. I bought some new pants yesterday and although they are not the size i might have wished they were, i'm ok with that. new clothes is a great thing anyway. keep on truckin.

i'm off for my walk to starbucks. it's sunny out again today although the temperatures are slipping more in to the 13-15 range this week. whatever, i heart the sun.

sunday out.

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