My bro's GF makes the best meals.
and I hear he cleans up real nice.
Delicious food chez John and Krista tonight with mom and dad.... after a short day's work on KK.
A weird shoot, somehow I didn't feel the best about it. Perhaps it's just the anxiety of the show almost being over, or something.
I suppose once i see it cut together i'll feel better about it. Ha, that and the several months from now THAT'll happen.
it was 20 freaking degrees out today. So shooting outside was very pleasant. november 6th and I didnt' even need a jacket.
I'm kinda obsessed with this random music by a random Burington dude named Kirby. I keep listening over and over. i guess i'm overdue for something 'new' . Even more coinsidental is that his video was shot by Devon and Robs Co. Who whouldda thought. it's such a small world.
back to el' craft table.
Thank You from The Hip + Urban Girl's Guide!
8 years ago
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