my reality tv porn has just come to an unsettling head.
Turns out Travis Barker has a reality show. ala tory spellng. ala gene simmons. ala paris hilton, tila tequilla and fat people. ala the hills. ala i hate myself.

i dont know why the travis barker thing is affecting me so much, perhaps because Blink 182 had an impact on me and my gr 10 self that has lasted until now. Something that I'd like to consider "influence"... in so far as the way the music can affect your mood, your emotions, your good times, and thus your life...

And while some would see +44 as a step backwards for the once punk rockers, I simply continued to enjoy what the world of punk-pop could push into the top 40. Somehow seeing Travis flaunt his ex wife and baby on reality tv, as well as in the tabloids makes me a bit queasy.
This is also on the cusp of me wasting a half hour researching who the HELL kim Kardashian is... and guess what. all i found is that her career designation is Actress/socialite.

really? REALLY?! Her only acting credit is her own reality show
I wont kid myself (or you) and pretend like i'm going to stop looking at celebrity gossip porn. Today just made me stop and think a little. it made me feel really bad for those who feel selling themselves to the tabloids is the best option for income. I mean, i suppose it's a little hypocritical because i'm one of the few idiots who actually read that shit. but i'm in it for the smut. for the chase. for the "caught in action' shit. Not the, hey life and style, i'll pose FOR YOU. now that's just sad. and frankly, it's going to put the paparazzi out of business. QUIT FLAUNTING YOURSELVES.. FOR YOUR CHILDREN!

Meet the Barkers

I'm also finding myself watching re-runs of the hills and really wishing lauren and brody were an item now.

Kim Kardashian is my favourite useless celeb. The rundown is: she was friends with Paris Hilton, her dad was one of OJ's lawyers, and her mom is married to Brody Jenner's dad (so they are steps). Also, I have only seen clips of the Kardashians reality show, but it is quite entertaining.
Also, Brody Jenner is a douche, but Lauren should just fuck him and get it over with.
Okay, now I'm going to go shower, because its gross that I know/think about all this stuff.
I'd like to add that I think there is a Kim Kardashian sex tape.
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