rob shaw had a baby.
It's not so much the baby, and it's not so much that it's rob's... and it's not so much that he's the first of all my favorite 4th stormont-ers (viva Carleton!) to have planted his seed...
actually it's all of those things. God, where was the foresight?
tighty whities clearly can stop no man. ahhhahaha, JS.
I'm reminded of all my lunches with Rob during my days at CBC and his days at Ryerson... and that time Callum tried to kill him over Tamarama... ohhh, memories. I feel old. Rob, i knew you when...!!
Congrats on little Lois, superman! Take care of your ladies, you're a man now.
ps. this is actually seriously freaking me out. i'm immature, ok?
Just for clarification's sake, I beat Rob by about 10 1/2 months.
Though, I may not actually qualify as a 4th Stormonter thanks to my mid-year dropoutedness.
By the way, hey Katie.
James P.
damn jimmy, i'm sorry. not that you're a father, but that i had no idea. and with the marriage and all it's not quite as shocking.
congrats on babies!
That's alright... having denied Facebook and all of its evil temptations, I find myself not exactly at the forefront of communication these days.
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