a meer two days into NABLOPOMO (national blog posting month) i neglected to pay the fair attention needed to my little space on the interweb.
well, i'm back. it's day 4. holy shit that means november 4th.
Today i've had the day off so i'm knee deep in all things sewing, and crafting.

"This is Lye"
I've been carefuly mixing chemicals today in what hopes to be my first successful attempt at homemade (from scratch!) hand soap. a few minor burns (ahem, think fight club) later and the vinegar smell wont leave but my searing skin is feeling better. if only i could get my hands on some human fat. ;p

I've followed that up with some serious CUTTING of fabric. xmas gifts galore.
Today also marks the ELECTION in the US of A. who thinks racism will rear it's ugly head? I'm optimistic because i want Obama in charge, following in the Democratic footsteps of our favorite cock and balls Bill Clinton. However if the Republican history can prove itself any kinda foreshadowing, something tells me Mccain will find away to cheat, and win.

florida, i'm looking at you. and by florida, i mean SEX. no, i dont mean sex. but i am reminded of my other favorite american president JFK in the best short running animated series ever, Clone High.

i'm heading to lisas for some OBMAMARAMA. keep the faith alive.
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