it has come to my attention that i have only 6 days left in toronto.
it's been nearly 3 months since i left vancouver and somehow everything (so far) has turned out ok.
I also encountered a Magic 8 ball on set today and asked if vancouver was going to be ok, it said 'most definitely yes'. i also asked if my relationship was going to be ok, it said 'you can be certain.' I also slyly asked if dusty had been up to no good and it said 'not likely'... 8 ball rules.
My work on King kaboom came to a rather anti climactic end today with a stills shoot on green screen. I was there only to do lighting and poor Karim was very sick. 4 hours door to door and my last day was over.
I came home and am madly trying to finish up my projects for christmas gifts (at the ontario end) as well as last minute cards and wrapping. tomorrow is a casual diner with family and friends at Josh's Fionn McCools. It will be nice to see my bro, i hate not seeing him as often as i used to at home.
Packing will be another obstacle in my way of getting outta dodge and considering what to bring with and what to leave is always a battle. I found these super rad tags for my luggage at the dollar store. One says "NOT YOUR BAG!" and the other says "NO, THIS IS NOT YOURS!" cheeky, but cute. plus they are lime green and hot pink so that's a bonus. :p so very dollar store, so very me.
being november 26th means it's officially the 30 day countdown till christmas. For the first time in 5 years i dont feel particularly panicked or rushed... i think not going away somewhere warm is partially to thank for that. and looking forward to an early year vacay is also helpful.. I can't wait to see dusty and get back to vancouver... pray for mojo that the grey skies and rain dont suck my will to... well... just about anything. The weather will be snowy here very soon as we seem to be just dodging the major dump that areas not far away from here are receiving. i'm very grateful for that.
once again it's later then i wish it was... i get soooo sucked into reality tv about weight loss its sickening. and slice network is brutal for that. it'll be nice NOT to have tv again. i feel very addicted in a horrible way right now...
Had diner tonight at Ridgetown with DBW. I like having alone time with dad occasionally. He's a really great listener and talker... he knows so much it's pretty awesome, he's like a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia and rubrics cube all rolled into one body. I'm very lucky.
oh, and my jaw seems to be healing although my stitches are coming out so it's sensitive for the first time since the day of. gross. i know.
:) adios for now
Thank You from The Hip + Urban Girl's Guide!
8 years ago
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