Now, while this exact event actually happened to me just ahead of christmas (and thanks to the miracle of christmas flying, my flight was delayed an hour and a half, and i got on it!), this time i think my brain was trying to tell me something, or at least remind me of what's been pushed deep...
According to dreaming of being late denotes fear of change and ambivalence towards seizing an opportunity. Also a feeling of being overwhelmed or conflicted with decisions about the future.
BINGO! deep in my little brain i am harboring all sorts of stress that i've certainly been avoiding over the wonderful two weeks off. The return of old and new friends, work coming to a rapid conclusion - also, the reality of finally having some time for my single self again... Change is inevitable and exactly what i'm going to do about it all...well that's left to be determined.
My thought is that relaxation should be something to focus on this year. I know i'm the type of person that craves a little drama, a little anxiety and I do tend to perform well under stress... however, if i can manage to throw in some more ME time, and allow my body and brain to take a little vacation occasionally, i can only foresee good things to come.
ps. Also my neck is killing me, stressful dreams are almost worse then drunken sleep. ;(
here's a pic of me in Mexico over christmas, memories of more relaxing times :)

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