Monday, November 10, 2008


ok so my hectic few days have lead me to seriously break my blog-a-day streak. bah.

i'm on my way out the door momentarily to go to day one of band week 2 for king kaboom season 2. ha. i'm stoked i'm on the jib again and David our new baby duckling is steadicamming it up. shoudl be a good week, plus carpooling with christy rocks.

today i made soap: edition 2. more care, more love, less pain, more cinnamon. all in all hopefully better then the first edition.

also, yesterday a family reunion of sorts with Wendy, Nicks mom in town. My mother's cousin... my 2nd cousin? anyway, another BC realitive who lives in chiliwack. It was a good time and we're trying to organize a trip to see the Sound of Music this week.:)

shite, i'm late.

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