Monday, February 25, 2008

Another step in time

hella snow.
I haven't endured winter in almost three years. I am being reminded why. We are expecting another 25 cm by friday. kill me.

My castle sits here:


Here's my lastest creation from Bag of the month club. yeah niagra! Kim and Karen's were WAYY better.

Today begins WOD with Production League. My mom thinks i should be more excited about being involved because the award is special to women. I guess. Raw raw, women. congrats ladies... I'll do my best to make you're lighting flattering. :o

the best news is that i'm getting a driver everyday. heck yes!
back to shooting with the DVX. Good times. videography at it's '02 best.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Red ... carpet??

Another day, another oscar ceremony full of movies i've never seen. Its amazing how little interest i had in so many of them... patrick dempsy in a musical?? so weird.

Highlights of the fashion:
Worst dress was definetly Rebecca Miller, Daniel Day-Lewis' wife... what WAS that thing? a broach? it must have weighed more her last three meals... and part velvet (hello, it's LA!) all tied up with 2 HUGE red bows on the sholders. to add insult to injury, the shoes?! How embarrassing. Daniel Day could also have considered some slightly looser pantaloons. He appears like a court jester.

Best dress i think was Helen Miren, fabulous red, fabulous sparkle sleves.
Another well fitted dress was wore by best actress winner Marion Cotillard.

The Ceremony
I'm sorry Roger Deakins didn't win for cinematography but winner Robert Elswit seemed like a really nice guy. Strong work.
Diablo cody? hmmm.... oscar politics i think but a good movie no less. Her dress was horrible and i think she new it after she had to walk on stage to collect her oscar...and then try to collect herself.
No Country for old men... please. seriously? Supporting Actor, Writer, Director and Picture. I'm dreaming.
I'm disspointed Transformers didn't win for visual effects and further that the only songs they could find to nominate came from the patrick dempsy musical... oh and poor cate blanchett she played a MAN fer christs sake.
The 'via video' presentation from bagdad or whatever was a little too glorifying for me to enjoy but my mom thought it was a good idea...
Jon Stewart was phenomenal... definetly made me laugh more then a few times.

all in all, it's over for another year. and it's so late here, toronto time zone is killer.
Goodnight goat!
Good night old man...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two steps forward, one step back

I have arrived in Port Credit... ye old homestead. How i managed to keep my fingers off this keyboard for the past two weeks has mostly to do with the fact that my hands were occupied with much more. I made it through my 15 day stint in Van with a few days of work, a few days of tears, a few days in seattle and the concluding ceremony of locking my storage closet and saying "see you soon" to my sweet valentine.

I was really lucky and had an enorumous group of hands help with moving day. Lau, Ali and Dusty being the three who showed up first and lasted till the bitter (sweet) end. For the record the following people are considered one of my heros: Dusty, Ali, Lawerence, Josh, Brendan, Boris, Tiffany, Justin, Sarah and Laura. You folks seriously ROCK my west coast world. THANKYOU for you're help and friendship!

Alas, the snow falls and the harsh winds of southern ontario roll through my thin (but awesome) brown floppy touque. How is it possible i was drinking beer in a teeshirt on a patio in the sunshine only two days ago? I caught the paper today, Toronto High/low -7/-16, Vancouver High/low 9/6... It may in fact be a rough few weeks.
On the upside i arrived home to two paychecks so i'm feeling good. I'm also starting a cleanse on Sunday (gasp!) so hopefully I'll at least FEEL closer to a million bucks within the next few weeks. My last night of drinking will be Dave Mcleods 60th bday party. I can't possibly be sober for that. ;)
So thus begins the next few weeks in snowy wintery 'oh right, THAT'S why i went west' Toronto. pray for mojo.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rain City Shines

A few things of note:

my astrological musings from the metro
FEB 1: Take care when you break loose. Movement should be made withough delay. Significant devestation will be a warning.
I remember reading this on the subway into toronto only 2 days before I came back to vancouver, and two day after i wrote that ridiculous blog that i eventually deleted. i wrote it down.

FEB 8: (Kim's Bday!) It's difficult to hammer out plans. New beginings at home are fun. A fool will tease you and then run away.
This was today's metro. I'm frightened more by the fact that I keep getting my hands on the metro then at how accurate these things seem to be.

i had a melt down today. with dusterson. But we press on... xo

packing my apt revealed a quote I had written on my wall (with chalk) in the storage;

When you go to be happy
When you are wild and crazy with a wide wild joy
When your feet hit the floor with a searing happiness
And look for the anwsers to the Big questions;
Where are these happy places?
How did I get here?

I originally found this in the Carleton University Yearbook, 1968. And since i can't forget it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sunday Feb 3

I’m writing this as I fly into vancouver. I have butterflies in my stomach.
I read the magazine Psychology Today on the flight and it’s a damn good magazine. There was some seriously fascinating articles about human nature and analytical thinking about emotions and physiological reaction. It was kinda like when you read your horoscope and feel like it’s so bang on it’s scary… I definitely gained a more positive attitude after that magazine.

Then I picked up In Touch and all my smarts were swallowed by the mouth of celebrity porno. I am now numbed to my own problems and can revel in Brit being committed and the Jolie-Pitts expecting twins.

Ah, the decent is causing my ears to pop. Conan O’Brien is on the TV set, Matthew Good is on my playlist and the guy beside me is asleep.

“… and I know
it’s real slow, honey
painful, and real slow…”

Hospital Music is definitely a depressing album but it has seriously grown on me.

Everyone's a Canuck

This was written after my feb 3rd post, but blogger can't figure it out.

Im sitting back in my kitchen, surrounded by my stuff again, surveying exactly how much work I have to do to pack this place up. I know noone likes packing but holy shit i have alof of stuff. And packing it all into storage makes me a little sad... It's comforting to be surrounded by my own things again, sleeping in my own bed, looking at my walls of photos. The decision to pack it up, pack it in hasn't gotten any easier by arriving in vancouver.

Dusty picked me up and it was a happy reunion. Another brick in my bag. He made an amazing breakfast yesterday morning... I may have to just club him and sack him so he forgets about his band and comes with me.

It's a classic tuesday in February, raining in van. I'm about to schlep to the insurance man to get my car back on the road. And my fat clemintine to the gym.
I'm going to do some work for the Discovery Channel show Forensic Factor early next week. A couple bux and a couple contacts from toronto is never a bad thing.